

Public Function create_expense_log(ByVal onsite_objid As Long, _

                  ByVal id_num As String, ByVal creation_time As String, _

                  ByVal notes As String, ByVal perf_by As String, _

                  ByVal user_name As String, ByVal expense_type As String, _

                  ByVal quantity As Double, ByVal the_rate As Double, _

                  ByVal billable As Long, ByVal bill_to As String, _

                  ByVal resolution As String) As Integer




This API allows creation of an expense log that is related to an onsite log. The OBJID of the onsite log or a case/subcase id must be supplied (but not both), and the other parameters are all optional. If you do not specify a billing rate, the employee's labor_rate field will be used.




Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

onsite_objid                          Yes                         The OBJID of the onsite log this expense log is related to

id_num                                   No                           The Id number for the Case if no onsite log is specified

creation_time                        No                           The time this expense log is created. If left blank, it will be the current time

notes                                      No                           The note text for this expense log

perf_by                                  No                           The user  that is performing the actions associated to the onsite log

user_name                             No                           The user who is creating the onsite log. If left blank, the current user

performs the create

expense_type                       No                           Value for the type of expense, from the EXPENSE_TYPE list in

Policies and Customers. If left blank, the default value is used

quantity                                 No                           The number of units that are being applied to the onsite log

the_rate                                 No                           Billing rate (per unit). If no rate specified, the employee's labor_rate is used

billable                                   No                           Indicates if this expense is billable

bill_to                                     No                           Indicates who this expense log will be billed to, from the BILL_TO_EXPENSE

                                                                                list in Policies and Customers

resolution                              No                           Value from the Resolution Code list




Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                              No errors

-1                                             Could not find specified EXPENSE_TYPE

-2                                             Could not find specified BILL_TO_EXPENSE

-3                                             Cannot find user in database

-4                                             Cannot find employee record for user in database

-5                                             Cannot find performing user in database

-6                                             Could not find specified RESOLUTION

-7                                             Cannot find employee record for performing user in database

-8                                             Cannot find the 'T & E log' activity string with rank = 1800

-9                                             Cannot find case or subcase related to this expense log

-10                                           Cannot find specified onsite_log record

-11                                           Either Case Id or an onsite log objid must be specified


ret_objid                                The objid of the new expense log object is returned by this parameter.

ret_objid2                              The objid of the new onsite object is returned by this parameter.





·         Create a new expense log related to onsite log 268435499. The creation time is 10:30 am on September 11, 1998. A sample note is passed, and the resolution will be "Completed". The user will default, and the performing user will be set to "db". This default expense type is billable to the "Customer". Once created, the new objid will be placed in the el_objid variable.


Visual Basic:


   Dim ret_int  As Integer

Dim el_objid As Long


ret_int = fcfo.create_expense_log(268435499, "", "09/11/98 10:30:00", _

                                  "expense log note", "db", "", "", 1, _

       4.5, 1, "Customer", "Completed")

   If ret_int = 0 Then

     el_objid = fcfo.ret_objid

   End If




var ret_int = fcfo.create_expense_log(268435499, "", "09/11/98 10:30:00",

                                   "expense log note", "db", "", "", 1,

        4.5, 1, "Customer", "Completed");


if (ret_int == 0){ var el_objid = fcfo.ret_objid; }



·         Create a new expense log related to onsite log 268435463. The quantity is 1.5 units (at 3.33 each), non-billable. All other parameters will default.


Visual Basic:


   Dim ret_int  As Integer

Dim el_objid As Long


ret_int = fcfo.create_expense_log(268435463, "", "", "", "", "", _

                                   "", 1.5, 3.33, 0, "", "")

   If ret_int = 0 Then

     el_objid = fcfo.ret_objid

   End If




var ret_int = fcfo.create_expense_log(268435463, "", "", "", "", "",

                                   "", 1.5, 3.33, 0, "", "");


if (ret_int == 0){ var el_objid = fcfo.ret_objid; }